Mannat Gandotra

Born 2001, India

Lives and works in London, UK

Mannat Gandotra is a Painter based in London. She completed her BFA from the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, in 2023 and is currently enrolled in her Masters in Painting at the Royal College of Art. Her paintings are made through processing everyday life, sights and sounds. They are about experience, and the process is incidental. It begins with marks on the surface of the canvas, and then she begins to extract forms she sees in the colours, washes and spaces. As she paints, she is interested in the effect of colours appearing to emit light, and forms appearing to become gliding ships or sinking kites. In some paintings, there are wild gardens where rhythms collide, nature breaks down, and compositions reordering and disrupting harmony. Atonal, syncopated, dissonant - this is how she sees the world. Jarring languages, senses, and sounds all meshed into the paint. A cycle of lost and found. Recent exhibitions and residencies include ‘Cornershop’, Indigo + Madder, London (2023); Dallas Art Fair with Luce Gallery (2023); Artissima with Luce Gallery (2023). She will have her debut solo exhibition, ‘All of Civilisation on a Leaf’, with Luce Gallery in November 2023.
