Joe Grieve

Born 1997, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

Joe Grieve holds a First Class Honours Degree from the City & Guilds Art School in London. Through making landscape paintings, Grieve finds himself engaging in reveries and nostalgia from remembered landscapes and experiences. They reference actual places merging poetic rural ideals, sometimes underpinned with fragments and marks from urban angles and the sound of the city. In bringing together these elements, Grieve celebrates the unique qualities of painting, constructing illusory spaces through mark-making and strokes of colour. Using primary drawings and found imagery as starting points, these references go through a transformation as the paint takes on a life of its own; the act of painting and its vivacity being key to Grieve's practice. His approach is playful, and often relies on experimental mark making. However, Grieve's aim is to evoke emotions that relate to his experience. He creates work that simultaneously provides a space in which we feel engaged with the familiar, whilst also getting lost within the spectacle of abstract accidents.
