Connie Harrison

Born 1993, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

Connie Harrison graduated from the Chelsea College of Arts, after completing a foundation at New College, Not- tingham. To Harrison, the natural world is both a muse and subject. She works by overlaying landscapes with differentcompositions, building up an overall sense of an abstracted landscape. Areas of the painting are carved away leav- ing marks, like pathways that lead you in, or exposing roots that lie beneath. The paintings themselves are balanced and appear weightless, suspended limitless within her ab- stractions. Colours hover and are meticulously placed over layers of opaque wax paste. Organic, natural forms and elements of landscapes, float between foreground andbackground, in and out of familiarity.Through their varied surfaces, compositions emerge slowly through a process of layering and stripping away oil paint and a wax paste.Throughout the painting process parts of the surface un- fold in texture, mark, opacity and colour, which overlay and entwine with one another; simulating movement and add- ing depth to the imagery as if they are growing.Her pro- cess is a metaphor to the natural rhythms and circular life cycles. Paintings grow organically, layer by layer, working on and developing an underlying pattern, like leaves and sedimentary rock. There is a juxtaposition to the surface, deep mark making and exposed areas reveal traces of the painting below.
