Annice Fell

Born 1997, UK

Lives and works in London, UK

Annice Fell graduated from the Masters Painting Programme at the Royal College of Art in 2023 and earned her BA in Painting at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL in 2020. Fell’s bold paintings explore intuition and response. Rooted in the relation of the paint to the body and space, Fell’s work encap- sulates the human experience. Each canvas begins with applying a unique monoprint, which is then built up, deconstructed, and manipulated by hand. This process creates a journey for each painting to have to undergo, juxtaposing premeditation and impulsivity and requiring any attachment to an initial starting point to be let go. Fell draws inspiration from techniques such as decalcomania and automatism and seeks to unravel the binary of abstraction and figuration. Fell was the recipient of the Betty Malcolm Prize and the Richard Ford Award.


2023 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London, UK

2020 BA Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, University College London

2018 Exchange placement, The New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture


2024 ‘Hovering on the Edge,’ Timothy Taylor, London, UK (Group)

2024 ‘In the Know, Show,’ The Green Family Art Foundation, Dallas, TX (Group)

2024 ‘Beyond Boundaries,’ Guts Gallery, London, UK (Group)

2024 ‘Balancing Act,’ lbf contemporary, London (Solo)

2023 ‘Nouvelle Vague’, lbf contemporary, London (Group)

2023 RCA 2023 Graduate Degree Show, Truman Brewery, London

2023 ‘Pressing The Ear Against The Ground I Could Hear The Far Galloping Coming Near’, Visentin Fine Art LTD, London (Group)

2023 ‘Works on Paper’ , Studio 127, Thames-Side Studios, London (Group)


2024 ‘Blue Hour,’ PhillipsX, New York, USA (Group)

2024 ‘Pale Fires,’ lbf contemporary, Paris, France (Group)
